Dostoevsky said. And I agree with him.
It’s just that first of all we have to think about what beauty really means. Is there a definition for it? Is it objective or subjective? Do you like the outside or the inside?
The objective beauty, the easily observable one, is the one related to the exterior. We can say about a woman that she is beautiful, about a child, about a piece of furniture, a building or a work of art. It is what delights our eye. It has to do with symmetry, aesthetics, colors, harmony. Taking care.
And objective beauty has its variable side. Every man is built in a certain way, he is educated in a certain way, he has experiences that shape his perception in one way or another. It depends on what I learned. That’s why I think there is even “educated” beauty. That is why it is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And it is as true as can be, because in fact, beauty always reaches beyond the visual.
The beauty related to objects is easy to define, through the prism of each person. Depending on the background, personality, “taste”, something can be defined or not as beautiful.
Beauty related to beings in general and people in particular is a sensitive and often debated topic.
Scientists have defined beauty as a set of rules related to symmetry.
Symmetry looks “normal” to us, so we like it. For example, the distance between the eyes, or between the eyes and the mouth. Size is an important factor in defining beauty, we don’t like eyes that are too small or too big, we don’t like lips that are too thin, a big nose is not exactly a symbol of aesthetic beauty, and so on. Beauty, in the generality of its perception, depends on proportions. We will consider a handsome man that man who has at least pleasantly balanced facial features. That man who has a harmoniously built body. The attraction to pleasant faces has existed since childhood, and studies have shown that even babies spend more time looking at a beautiful face than a less attractive one. Of course, the perception of beauty depends on what we have learned and what we have been exposed to.
Beyond symmetry and proportions, we will talk about beauty as a subjective concept, related to emotions, sensations and ideals. It has to do with what is born in us, that reaction. We will talk about beauty as we perceive it not only in others, but also in ourselves.
Have you noticed how a person can be beautiful without being physically spectacular? Have you noticed how a person can attract looks and “twist” minds without necessarily being in line with the standards of perfection?
It’s just about self-perception, confidence and courage. It’s no longer about physical standards. It’s about the ability to see yourself beautiful, strong and able to do whatever you want. It’s about the ability to achieve your dreams. You can have perfect features and a model’s body, if inside you do not realize your value, you do not see your beauty as it is, but especially, if you do not feed it, the outside will go out. I met special beauties, which were “erased”. Because they were afraid, because they walked with their shoulders bent, because they kept their eyes down, because they were not in contact with them.
Beauty is about taking care of yourself. And of those around you.
But you have to start with care for yourself, because, we know, everything starts from self-love. I said it, I say it and I will say it again, until it becomes a theme.
So look at that work of art in continuous progress. There is no pause in evolution and learning. In learning how to look at yourself, how to love yourself, how to create and recreate yourself. How to trust your own strengths, how to feed yourself physically, mentally and spiritually, because beauty has its source in these three sources and all must be followed very carefully. The body will always tell you what it needs, it will always talk to you, you just have to be patient to listen to it. Teach him the signals. To give him what he needs: the food he needs, the water he needs, the necessary sleep, the physical movement without which he cannot sustain the effort you put him through every day.
We overwork ourselves without realizing it and do not pause to talk to us. To ask us what we are missing. We need to know what we are missing in order to give. The engine needs fuel for the car to run, so does our body. We need balance, constancy, passion. Passionate people are alive. Are beautiful. Their eyes burn with life and their smile lights everything around. They are solar. Confident people are beautiful. Happy people are beautiful, because they have color in life. Honest people are beautiful. Curious people are beautiful. We are all beautiful, without a doubt.
So, my beautiful, bend your ear a little to me, I have something to tell you: Wake up! Wake up without hitting snooze button, stretch like a lazy cat, get out of bed, make coffee, go to the mirror, look at yourself, smile honestly, drink your coffee, eat a fruit, sing at go, get dressed, get your hair done, run to work, don’t get annoyed unnecessarily, smile, be active, drink water, help, dose your energy, smile, walk straight, wear a serene look and confident, enjoy every little thing, do sports, go out in the park, take a deep breath, look at people, give them your energy, caress a puppy, smell a flower, make a cake, be grateful, dance, smile, love! Be beautiful, the world is yours! Save it!
I love you.