The first to understand the importance of laughter and its power to influence people’s well-being was Hippocrates, who stated in his treatises: “A smile always gives rise to another smile.” In fact, we have all heard the saying “laughter is the best” medicine” and, I will honestly say, this statement has even been scientifically proven. In addition to being an effective mechanism for dealing with stress, laughter actually has measurable physiological effects that strengthen our immune system … that we are still in the (still) delicate period of this pandemic. A serene, cheerful, smiling man will always attract positive energies, and he, in turn, will be energy for others. We are a splendid circle of interconnected energies.
The secret of a happy relationship exists and you may already know it:
If you and your partner tease each other, laughing together, that’s just what the French proverb “Qui se taquine, s’aime” says … without triggering no conflict, then, welcome to the magical realm of working relationships!
When I say relationships, I mean any kind of relationship.
To your relationship with you, to your love relationship, to your social, professional relationships. Laughter is that rainbow that colors the sky after any storm. We must learn not to take things too seriously, because then they will be much harder to manage. Nowadays, we tend to dramatize. To take ourselves too seriously. To take everything very personally. To get angry, offend, annoy. Let’s interpret. And we forget that no, not everything is about us, not everything attacks us, it is not a conspiracy of the universe to make us unhappy! Happiness is in our hands. It’s that simple. Give yourself the freedom to laugh. To laugh at trouble, to laugh at yourself, to joke, to rejoice. Relax an unpleasant situation with a warm smile, break the moments of anger with a good joke, always find reasons for joy! Have you noticed that happy people always have an aura of positive vibration around them? Have you noticed that when you are around a serene person, with a warm smile, who knows how to laugh with lust, it seems that all your annoyances are extinguished? Keeping your joy of life, despite the more or less pleasant events you go through, is art. It is a talent that I ask you to rediscover. We all have it. It’s in us, naturally. We just have to find him, because he is buried, poor of him, among worries, bills, thoughts, over-analyzes, infinite questions. But he is there, alive!
We will always be attracted to sunny, happy, serene people.
A man will always conquer a woman more easily if he makes her laugh. The same goes for women. A healthy relationship, I don’t want to say happy, because it’s too big a word, and we’ll talk about relationships on another occasion, … a healthy relationship is based on two big cornerstones: communication and laughter. Laughter together welds any crack, drives away the small annoyances that inevitably appear, relaxes any tense situation. And this also applies to your business partners. Work with more serenity, with a partner who is always open-minded, who always finds solutions to problems, who is proactive and has positive thinking. We are our mirror, our emotions are our mirror, so be careful what you offer, because that is what you will get back. It is said that we are what we think, what we feel. I would go on and say: we are HOW we think, HOW we feel. So let’s make it beautiful! I know people who never get knocked down, no matter the situation, and I honestly love these people, because they understood how things work, the obstacles don’t stop them, they don’t pull back, they try to understand and find the one best strategy, which is always another. Be flexible, adaptable. Do not knock on a closed door several times, as it may remain closed. The solutions are endless, get up, prepare the strategy and go on the attack, but in a different way than you have done so far, and the door will open. I say this: If the door is closed in front of you, turn around and buy the whole building! 😊
You have the resources to get whatever you want. Don’t forget to stay at peace, serenity and balance with yourself. Don’t forget to always smile. It’s the perfect ornament. The ideal makeup.
Laughter is like the sun. It gets rid of winter from people’s faces.